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YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel
YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel
YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel

YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel

513175.2 INR

Product Details:


YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel Price And Quantity

  • 1 Units
  • 513175.2 INR

YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel Product Specifications

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YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft and Engine Block Repair on Vessel Trade Information

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  • 20 Units Per Day
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Product Description

YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary engine on board a vessel met with a serious accident. Three (3) technicians consisting of metal stitching expert and crankshaft grinding were deputed on the vessel at Fujairah Port, Dubai.

The Yanmar Engine details are as following:-


S. No. Crankpin Details  
1. Engine Make
2. Engine Modal 6N18AL-SV
3. Crankpin Diameter Standard 145.00MM
4. Crankpin Bearing Width 64.00 MM
5. Place of Execution of Grinding of Crankpin Fujairah Port, UAE
6. Name of Shipping Company Reputed Company from Dubai


Damaged Crankpin of Yanmar Engine Damaged Engine Block of Yanmar Repaired By Metal Lock
Metal Stitching of Damaged Yanmar Engine Block Broken Engine Block


YANMAR 6N18L-SV Auxiliary Engine Accident Details:


  1. Connecting Rod bolts of crankpin unit number #02 failed, resulting in the connecting rod hitting the engine block.
  2. Engine block window cover sitting area was badly damaged. The casting was broken into pieces.
  3. The window cover of the engine block was also broken and the crankpin unit number #02 of the crank shaft was damaged.


Hardness Inspection of Crank Pin Damaged Engine Block
Damage Engine Block Metal Stitching Metal Stitching Of Yanmar Block


Inspection of Crankshaft and Engine Block of YANMAR 6N18L-SV.

Damaged crankpin unit number #02 was inspected for the following parameters.

(a) Dimensional Inspection of crankpin unit number #02 showed ovality of 0.16 MM.

(b) Due to hitting of connecting rod, the crankpin developed deep depressions and hitting marks.

(c) Radius fillet profile of both the sides was badly damaged.

(d) Minor hairline cracks were observed on crankpin, which is common, as per our experience after such a serious accident.

(e) Hardness at a few spots was observed on the higher side.

(f) The engine block was badly damaged, as shown in the photographs. The total crack length was measured as 46 Inches.


  A Aa C Cc B Bb Min STD Ovality
CR-2 144.92  144.85 144.93 144.84 144.84 144.85 144.84 145.00 0.16MM


Yanmar Engine Block Under Repair Crack Repair By Metal Locking
Metal Stitching of Yanmar Engine Block Under Process    Metal Stitching of Yanmar Engine Under Process


Action taken for Repair of Crankshaft and Engine Block of YANMAR 6N18L- SV:


i) The crankpin unit number #02 was undersized by 1.20 MM, as per the recommendation of the Yanmar Engine manufacturer. The final size of the crankpin was maintained as 143.80 MM. The crank pin diameter was maintained 1.20 mm undersize.

ii) The damaged engine block was repaired by our technicians by metal lock process as mentioned above, the total length of crack was 46 inches.

iii) Damaged inspection window cover was replaced.

iv) Undersize crankpin bearing of 1.2 MM was supplied by RA Power Solutions Pvt Ltd.

v) Engine was commissioned and performance was observed satisfactorily.


  A Aa C Cc B Bb Min STD Ovality
CR-2  143.78 143.78 143.79 143.80 143.79 143.78 143.78 143.80 0.02MM


Repair of Block in Progress Engine Block Window After Repair By Metal Lock


We have been regularly executing on site crankshaft repairs and In Situ Crankshaft Grinding in Dubai, Fujairah, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, Togo, Malta, Freetown, Egypt, Malaysia, Iran, Indonesia, Vietnam, Jordan etc.

For more details of the crank pin grinding repair please email us on info@rapowersolutions.com Call at +91 9582647131, +91 9810012383.


Engine Block Window After Repair Engine Block After Repair By Metal Lock
Damaged Yanmar Block After Repair By Metal Stitching    Engine Block Metal Stitched
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