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Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite
Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite
Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite

Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite

1500 USD ($)/Number

Product Details:


Rolls Royce Engine Crankshaft Grinding Onsite Price And Quantity

  • 1 Number
  • 1500 USD ($)/Number

Product Description

We were approached by our old client who informed about the damage to the crankshaft of Bergen Rolls Royce make of Engine model C 25:33 L9P.

The Detail of Engine,Crankpin diameter and bearing width are mentioned below in the box:


Crankshaft Details



Engine Make

Bergen Rolls Royce


Engine Model

 C 25:33 L9P


Crank pin Diameter Standard

230 mm


Crankpin Bearing Width

92 mm


Place of execution of crankshaft repair

Mumbai Port, India

Action taken by RA Power Solutions to Repair Bergen Rolls Royce Crankshaft Model no. C 25:33 L9P

i) Before the arrival of our two technicians and  boarding on a vessel at Mumbai Port India, the ship staff removed all the connecting rods. 

ii) On visual inspection one number of crankpin was observed damaged having standard diameter of 230 mm and crank pin bearing width of 92 mm.

The minimum & maximum reading of crank pin was observed as following: 

   a) Minimum diameter observed-   229.61 mm

    b) Maximum diameter observed-  229.93 mm

Against the standard diameter of 230.00 mm the ovality of 0.32 mm was observed which is considered to be very much on the higher side. Deep bearing line Marks and rough surface was observed.

iii) All other crankpins were also subject to dimensional inspection, taper & ovality was observed within limits. Only the Bearing line marks were observed. 

iv) As a routine inspection the hardness of crankpin was inspected and was observed within limits. The crack detection was  also undertaken by MPI and no crack was observed. 

v) The grinding of one number of crank pin was undertaken maintaining the final size of 229.00 mm with undersize of 1.0 mm. 

vi) All other crankpins were polished for removal of bearing line marks. After polishing the surface finish of better than 0.15 RA Value was observed. 

Successful Repair of Bergen Rolls Royce Crankshaft Model no. C 25:33 L9P

i) RA Power Solutions is ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) & ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System) certified approved company having global presence and executing successfully repair of medium & large crankshafts diameter ranging from 30mm to 700 mm. 

ii) We have a team of experienced technicians who are factory trained and ready to fly to  any site all over the world with equipment in a short notice.

iii) All our technicians have valid Indian CDC. 

iv) We are regularly extending our services to Marine, Power Plant and heavy industries all over the world. 

v) RA Power Solutions with 41 years of experience in the field of crankshaft repair have developed the equipment & procedure of crankshaft repair which is of high quality & cost effective.  

vi) We are perhaps the lowest in cost in comparison to the companies in UK, Europe and other countries. 

vii) In most of the cases our response time is immediate to meet with any emergency requirement of crankshaft grinding.  

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